Southern Dental Implant Center

What to Expect with the All-on-4® Procedure

Jan 31, 2017 @ 09:00 AM — by Dr. Collier
Tagged with: All On 4 Dental Implants

Dental implants have transformed dentistry. They are the ideal restoration for missing teeth. Not all patients qualify for traditional dental implants, however. As an alternative, Dr. Jason Collier offers All-on-4® dental implants. This system uses four strategically placed implants to secure a full upper or lower denture. Dr. Collier can advise patients on what they can expect before, during, and after the All-on-4® procedure at our office in Memphis, TN.

Your All-on-4® Consultation

Your personal consultation with Dr. Collier is the first step in the All-on-4® process. He will carefully evaluate your oral health, assessing your needs and goals to determine if All-on-4® implants are right for you. This evaluation may include x-rays and other imaging scans to view your bone health. The strategic placement of All-on-4® implants means a larger number of patients qualify for this option.

After ensuring you qualify for the procedure, Dr. Collier can begin planning your treatment. Using the x-rays and scans, he will determine optimal placement of your implants to provide you with the most secure restoration. Generally, the All-on-4® system involves the placement of two implants toward the front of the jaw. The other two implants are placed on the side of the jaw at a 45-degree angle to avoid damaging the sinus cavity or nerve canal.

The All-on-4® Procedure

The day of surgery, our team will administer your anesthesia (and sedation, if needed), to help you feel as comfortable as possible during the procedure. Then, if there are any teeth remaining, Dr. Collier will extract the teeth. Once all teeth have been removed, he can then create incisions in the gums and underlying bone.

After all the implants are securely in place, we will carefully clean the surgical site to minimize the risk of infection before closing the incisions. You will have a brief period to rest before we attach your provisional prosthetic.

This prosthetic is custom-made for a precise fit, but is provisional, or temporary, because we will replace it with a permanent denture once you have healed. Dr. Collier will attach the prosthetic to your implants. He will then thoroughly check the restoration to ensure a proper and comfortable fit.

Recovering after the All-on-4® Procedure

As with traditional dental implants, All-on-4® implants require a three- to six-month healing period. During this time, the implants fuse with the jawbone, creating the permanent and stable foundation for your denture. The benefit of the All-on-4® procedure is that you receive a custom temporary denture. This provides you with immediate functionality and an improved appearance. Although Dr. Collier will still recommend consuming soft foods during this time to avoid damaging the implants, you can enjoy greater functionality than patients who receive traditional dental implants.

Learn More about All-on-4®

If you are interested in dental implants but are unsure about which option is right for you, contact Southern Dental Implant Center to schedule your consultation. Dr. Collier can determine if you would benefit most from All-on-4® implants rather than traditional dental implants.